february 14
revisiting the first garden bed I made a week or two ago. This is by far the easiest method of creating.a new bed. Simply put down cardboard, soak it in water, top it with mulch. Wait at least a couple of months to begin planting. Grass should be dead/dying at that point. This a “no dig” method-ISH (google ‘no-dig’ to learn about the amazing carbon-capturing abilities of our beloved top-soil.
Also, to be honest. I’ve done this method in different ways and ultimately, I always ended up in the same spot: with a new garden bed. There may be pros and cons to certain methods, but I don’t think about those too much. I’ve laid down cardboard and waited maybe two weeks before planting. I still ended up with a new garden bed. I’ve forgotten to water the cardboard and still ended up with a garden bed. With this bed, my hose isn’t hooked up yet because we’re still getting sub-freezing temps over night. But eff it, the rain will hit it eventually. Gardening doesn’t have to be - and never should be- perfect.