august 14

Its funny how it happens. One minute you're wondering if a plant will do well this year. The next, they're taken over an entire bed. They are triumphant.

august 11

Coriader ready for the picking. Thank you Cilantro for your hard work this year, you fed my tummy and my eyes, my nose and my soul. And my kid had a lot of fun with you.

august 9

Verbena Bonarienses. I don’t even bother with a lamens name for this, the Latin is just too fun not to say. She’s beauty and she’s grace. She will always be in my garden.

august 8

Celosia “Flamingo Feather.” These’ll need to eat more shrimp to get THAT pink. They didn’t quite meet the ‘Sunset’ theme assignment. But still, these late summer softies are really doing it for me.

july 26

And there she flies. if there was any doubt as to why I love Thalictrum, this should answer that. Look at those fairy bells dancing like no one’s watching. Dance on chicas! Dance on!